Draft One: Shit’s Been Rolling Around in My Head Draft
Draft Two: Half-Hearted Attempt to Find a Story Draft
Draft Three: Determined to Find a Story Draft
Draft Four: Found the Story, But Who the Hell is the Protagonist Draft
Draft Five: Fuck Just One Protagonist, I’ll Have Three Draft
Draft Six: Back to One Protagonist; Everyone Is Confused That Hears It Draft
Draft Seven: I Hate Dramatic Structure Draft
Draft Eight: I’m Making My Own Structure Draft
Draft Nine: Back To Basic Dramatic Structure Draft
Draft Ten: I Forgot Who the Protagonist Was Draft
Draft Eleven: The Start Over Draft, or What Should Be Draft #1
Draft Twelve: The Overwritten Draft
Draft Thirteen: Who’s Going To Produce This Shit Anyway Draft
Draft Fourteen: The Someone Praised Me And I’ll Keep Writing Draft
Draft Fifteen: What Should Be Draft #2 Draft
Draft Sixteen: The Damn This Is Good Draft
Draft Seventeen: The Public Reading Draft With Talk Back
Draft Eighteen: The I Hate This Play Draft
Draft Nineteen: The I Should Have Never Listen to My Teachers Draft
Draft Twenty: The What Should Be Draft #3